Javascript Flash Cards
Click on a card to reveal the answer.
What is the syntax for the error.cause subclass?
new Error ( 'Something went wrong', { cause: otherError } )
What is a variable?
A variable is a “named storage” for data.
What expression checks if obj has a private slot #privateSlot?
#privateSlot in obj
What does the syntax of the constructor look like?
constructor( value ){ this.value = value; }
What is the output of 'abbbaab'.replaceAll('b', 'x')
How do you copy an object without referencing to the original object?
let newObject = Object.assign( {}, originalObject );
What "indexable" types have method .at()
-string -array -All Typed Array classes: Unit8Array etc.
How do you write a conditional ternary sequence?
let message = (age < 3) ? 'Hi, baby!' : (age < 18) ? 'Hello!' : (age < 100) ? 'Greetings!' : 'What an unusual age!';
What import expression imports all exports of the module 'mod'?
import * as ns from 'mod'
How do you enable strict mode on JavaScript documents to enable better error tracking?
add 'use strict' to the first line of the document
What is a callback function?
A callback function is a function passed into another function as an argument
What does a Nullish coalescing operator '??' do?
returns the first argument if it's not null/undefined. Otherwise, the second one.
How can you get the maximum number in an array
What are the ECMAScript 2021 assignment operators?
a ||= b a &&= b a ??= b
Provate slots are new and can be created via
- Private fields (instance and static) - Private methods and accessors (non-static and static)
What is the sytnax of the constructor if the class is extended from another class?
constructor( value ){ super( value ); }
How do you initiate a prompt?
result = prompt( 'title', 'default input' );
Properties (public slots) can now be created via...
- Instance public fields - Static public fields
What is the output of ['a', 'b', 'c',].at(-1)
How do you initiate a confirm?
result = confirm(question);
What is an exampole of optional chaining?
How do you increment prefix and postfix?
prefix: ++a postfix: b++
What is the function name to pass parameters in a class?
Where should 'use strict' be enabled
add 'use strict' to the first line of the document
What is a transpiler?
A transpiler is a special piece of software that translates source code to another source code.